
Privacy and Policies



The site https://poderelaspecola.it (the “Site”) is owned by Podere La Specola which created it for information, communication, entertainment purposes and made it available to Users for personal and non-commercial purposes.

The trademarks, logos, characters of third parties reproduced on the Site are the exclusive property of their respective owners, who have authorized their use: any reproduction is prohibited.

The web pages that make up the Site and their contents (including but not limited to: texts, images, graphics, sounds) are protected by copyright owned by Podere La Specola or include material the use of which has been duly authorized; therefore the reproduction, duplication, publication, transmission of them (in whole or in part) in any form and modality is prohibited.

No reproduction of the Site or parts of it may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes.

The downloading of material from the Site is permitted only if expressly authorized with a specific indication within the web pages; this authorization only concerns the use of the downloaded material for personal and non-commercial purposes, while any other form of use is strictly prohibited. Nothing on the Site can be interpreted as an express or tacit license in favor of third parties for the use of texts, images, graphics, sounds and any other element subject to the patent referred to in the previous paragraphs.

Any sending of material to the Site by Users is governed by the specific Regulations which establish the conditions for sending material to the sections dedicated to this and to which expressly refers; it is recommended to carefully read the Regulations before sending.

Podere La Specola works with the greatest possible diligence in order to select and update the contents of the Site; in any case, Podere La Specola declines all responsibility in the event that the information provided is incomplete or incomplete or contains errors of any kind.

Podere La Specola also declines any responsibility for any damage that may arise to Users and their properties as a result of accessing the Site, the inability to access the Site or the downloading of material from the Site where permitted, including damage to equipment. computer systems of Users deriving from viruses.


This website and the sites linked to it have been carefully examined by Podere La Specola. Therefore they do not contain dangerous or unpleasant contents for children. The advertised products cannot be purchased directly through the site.

In any case, Podere La Specola is solely and exclusively responsible for the content of its sites and cannot be held responsible for the content of third party sites with which an authorized link exists, as it does not exercise any control over them.


In accordance with current legislation and the provisions of art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (hereinafter the “Regulation”), we inform you that the Data Controller of the data you provide is Podere La Specola – Via Grevigiana 10, 50063 Figline Valdarno, Florence, Italy.


The computer systems and computer programs used to operate the site collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (eg IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI addresses – Uniform Resource Identifier – of the requested resources, time of the request, method used in submitting the request to the server, size of the file obtained in response, numerical code about the status of the response made by the server – good order, error, etc. – and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment). Although this is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, by their nature they could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information not associated with any user identification data on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

No provision of personal data by the user is required to consult the site.
However, any contacts with Podere La Specola, via the website, or the optional, explicit and spontaneous sending of messages, by electronic or traditional mail, to the Podere La Specola addresses indicated on the site entail the subsequent acquisition of the address, also e-mail address, of the sender or the relative telephone number, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the relative communications.

These data will be used for the sole purpose of following up on the user’s request and may be disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose.

For the processing of data for these purposes, your consent is not required since the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which you are a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request (Article 6, paragraph 1, lett. b) of the Regulation), as well as, where applicable, to fulfill a legal obligation (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Regulation).

The data will be processed by personnel appointed by Podere La Specola with procedures, technical and IT tools suitable for protecting the confidentiality and security of your data and consists in their collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, processing, modification. , selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation, destruction of the same including the combination of two or more of the aforementioned activities.

These data are kept for the time strictly necessary to provide the user with the requested service and are deleted immediately thereafter, without prejudice to further storage obligations required by law. Your information will not be disseminated.

As part of its activity and for the purposes indicated above, Podere La Specola may make use of services provided by third parties operating on behalf of Podere La Specola and according to its instructions, as data processors. These are subjects that provide the Podere La Specola with processing or instrumental services (eg consumer service, IT services for the functioning of the site). You can request a complete and updated list of the persons appointed as data processors by contacting one of the contacts indicated below.

The data may be transferred within the European Union, where Podere La Specola or its suppliers are based or have their servers in those countries. The data will not be transferred outside the European Union.

You will have the right, at any time, to exercise the rights provided for by current legislation, including the right to:

      • receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data and access their content;
      • update, modify and / or correct your personal data;
      • request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law or limitation of processing;
      • oppose the processing for legitimate reasons;
      • receive a copy of the data provided by you and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller;

by sending a specific request to the Privacy Office, domiciled at Podere La Specola – Via Grevigiana 10, 50063 Figline Valdarno, Florence, Italy – email: poderelaspecola@gmail.com

For information regarding the use of cookies through this site, please read the cookie policy listed below

Cookie Policy:

A cookie is a small text file within which brief information relating to a user’s activity on a website is collected and stored on the device that accessed the site.

Cookies do not damage your device and allow us to guarantee you a better and faster navigation on our site. Any additional information, such as those that allow us to send you advertising messages, are stored only after your consent, expressed by simply browsing the site or through the mechanisms described below.

We invite you to read the following information to better understand which cookies we use and how you can manage your preferences regarding their use.

Types of cookies used by our site:

Our site uses both cookies that do not require your consent for their installation, and cookies that we can install only with your prior consent.

A. Technical cookies (which DO NOT require your consent): they are necessary for the operation of the site and allow you to access its functions (so-called navigation cookies) and are mostly session cookies. We can also use functional cookies that allow you to save your preferences and settings, improving your browsing experience on our site (eg remember you as a registered user of the site when you select the “Remember me” function; connect to the section of the site in your language possibly chosen or based on the country from which you access; remember your preferences in terms of acceptance or not of profiling cookies). To ensure their functionality and to be able to remember your preferences, these cookies are not deleted when the browser is closed; however, they have a predefined maximum duration (up to a maximum of 2 years) and after the predefined time period they are automatically deactivated. These cookies and the data they collect are not used for other purposes. Your consent is not required to install technical cookies; we proceed with their installation automatically following access to the site or your request for certain features (eg by selecting “remember me”). At any time you can always decide to disable them by changing the settings of your browser. However, in that case, you may not be able to view our site correctly.

B. Profiling cookies (which require your CONSENT): our site also uses so-called cookies. profiling that we can install only with your prior consent. Through the site, third-party cookies can also be installed, provided you expressly consent to their installation.

The profiling cookies defined by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data may include different categories of cookies, including advertising profiling cookies, retargeting cookies, Social cookies and analytical cookies that are not limited to aggregate statistical analysis.

(i) Advertising profiling cookies: they create user profiles to make you view advertising messages in line with the preferences you have expressed while browsing the Internet; (ii) Retargeting cookies: they send you advertising to offer you products similar to those in which you have expressed interest (for example, showing you the products you have viewed on our site when you browse affiliated sites), or allow you to measure the effectiveness of a our or third party advertising campaign; (iii) Analytical cookies: they keep track of the choices you make on the site and your navigation to perform statistical analysis on our part and third parties, keeping track of your preferences and your online behavior and to propose personalized messages; (iv) Social cookies: the site also allows some social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter) to install their own cookies using their plug-ins. These cookies are managed directly by these third parties and can also be used in order to display advertising messages in line with your preferences on other sites.

These cookies will be installed only with your consent. For this reason, when you access the site, a special banner is displayed, which informs you that (i) analytical, profiling and retargeting cookies are used on the site, including from third parties and that (ii) closing the banner or continuing to browse by selecting an element of the site outside the banner or by accessing another area of ​​the site, the user gives his consent to the use of cookies. We will keep track of your possible consent through a specific technical cookie. In this way, we will avoid having the banner displayed on the cookies during your subsequent visits to the site; if you decide to delete the technical cookies, remember that we will also lose track of your consent and, therefore, during your next visit you will see the cookie banner again. Of course, you are free to block the installation of profiling cookies (whether they are third-party analytics, social, retargeting or profiling), or to revoke the consent you initially gave, at any time and without compromising your ability to visit the site and use its contents. To find out how to do this, carefully read the information on third-party cookies by following the links shown in the table below.

Activation and deactivation of cookies

For all cookies (technical and profiling)
You can decide whether or not to allow the installation of cookies also by using your browser settings. However, not all the features of this site may remain operational if one or more cookies are disabled (remember that navigation cookies are essential for the basic functionality of the site). The settings relating to this choice can be checked and changed in the browser preferences window. Select the browser you use below to receive information on how to change your cookie settings.

      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • IE
      • Opera
      • Safari

For third-party cookies that require consent:
The installation of third-party profiling, retargeting, analytical and social cookies and any other related activities, including the collection and processing of information, are managed by these third parties. For more information and to enable or disable these cookies you can access the information provided by these companies through the following links:

• Google Analytics: [http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/]

• Google Doubleclick: [http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/]

• Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/]

Some advertising networks also allow you to refuse to receive personalized messages. This does not prevent the installation of cookies, but interrupts the use and collection of some data by the subjects who join these networks. Remember that although these networks bring together many of the most important companies in the advertising world, some third parties that install cookies through the site may not have joined them and, therefore, you may continue to receive their cookies. For more information, please visit http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/.

The processing of users’ personal data through these cookies is carried out by Podere La Specola – Via Grevigiana 10, 50063 Figline Valdarno, Florence, Italy – email: poderelaspecola@gmail.com; as the data controller. For any information regarding the methods and purposes of processing, as well as on the exercise of your rights pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code, read our information carefully. We invite you to regularly review this Cookie Policy to view any changes.